This week I did much better eating plant-based, even when presented with having to eat out. It’s getting easier and I’m finding more options at even “meat” focused restaurants. Sometimes it means getting creative and just ordering sides a la...
This week I didn’t have quite as much weight loss, but after reviewing my journal it is easy to see why. I ate out at restaurants WAY too much this week. I didn’t prepare with enough food to grab on the go and let some stressful days get the best of my...
It’s so nice to be back from vacation and able to get back into a good routine of eating healthy and not being tempted at every turn. I’m starting to feel more comfortable with this way of eating and not stressed about what to make each day. I like finding...
For me, sticking to the Eat to Live diet can prove difficult on vacation. Not due to the lack of decent choices, but because it is so hard for me to MAKE those good choices. So many more restaurants have at least a vegan or vegetarian option and of course there are...
Well, this was an overall better week that Week 8. Although we did go out to eat a few times on the weekend, I was able to make better choices for the most part. As a result, I was able to lose another pound this week! Just like in the beginning, I still haven’t...
This week’s post was a hard one to write. But I had promised myself when I started this journey of posting my nutritarian food diary, that I would always be honest. I could have told you that I was 100% perfect this week, but that would be a lie. Real life got...
So most of this week was spent in San Antonio with my husband. I knew it was going to be a challenge to find whole food plant based options for every meal, but to my delight we found a GREAT salad place. Salata had a few different locations and we went there twice for...
If you have been following since Week 5, then you know that I was chaperoning my son’s Camp Grady Spruce YMCA 5th grade camping trip. I brought some snacks with me, but for the most part I just have to eat whatever they are serving. I don’t have access to...
This week was a harder week and next week will be even worse. This was camp week…. Meaning, I was chaperoning my son’s 5th grade YMCA camping trip where I didn’t have much control over what I was eating. Also, I didn’t have a scale with me, so...
Well, I’ve almost finished 1 month on this nutritarian diet! Surprisingly, I’m still not having any major cravings on Dr. Fuhrman’s diet plan. I tried some new recipes this week with Tofu – Tofu Chili & Tofu Tacos! Turned out really good! I...
Welcome to Simply Plant Based Kitchen where we show you how to make whole food plant-based eating simple, easy, & delicious so you can have your best health without spending all your time in the kitchen.